Activities Fund
Gifts to the Activities Fund provide opportunities for residents and patients to take part in activities and enjoy entertainment that would not be possible without special funding.
The Giving Tree
Unveiled in 2013, The Giving Tree Fund honors the benefactors of the Hellenic Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and benefits the Hellenic Women’s Benevolent Association Endowment Fund. All donations to The Giving Tree are added to the Fund, unless otherwise specified. The purchase of a leaf or stone includes recognition by inscription on The Giving Tree, found just off our lobby.
Funding categories include:
Foundation Stone | $100,000 or more |
Supporting Stone | $50,000 – $99,999 |
Gold Leaf | $ 10,000 – $49,999 |
Silver Leaf | $ 5,000 – $9,999 |
Bronze Leaf | $ 1,000 – $4,999 |
Stepping Stone | less than $ 1,000 |
Please make payments to The Giving Tree Fund, payable to: HWBA Endowment Fund. All donations are fully tax-deductible.
Restricted Endowment Funds
Restricted endowments can be established for a specific program or area by a donor or by The Hellenic board of directors to establish a fund in perpetuity. Interest from these funds is used for the purposes specified and the principal remains untouched. Because a permanent endowment is an invested pool of money that provides a reliable source of income in perpetuity, The Hellenic can count on annual distributions for its charitable work.
We welcome additional contributions to these existing funds, as well as the establishment of new funds that reflect the special interests of donors and the needs of The Hellenic. Our Office is also available to answer any questions you may have by calling (781) 828-4549.