A contribution to the endowment is a permanent investment in the future of Hellenic Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. With the security of a strong financial base, we will be in the best possible position to respond to the needs of Canton and the surrounding communities’ growing elderly population.
Gifts may be made to the endowment in many ways:
Friends may name Hellenic Nursing and Rehabilitation Center as a beneficiary through a provision in their wills. All or some portion of an estate may be given, according to the wishes of the donor. The bequest may also be worded so that The Hellenic receives a gift after other provisions of the will have been satisfied. Estate planning experts suggest that wills should be reviewed every three years, or whenever major events occur in your life such as births, deaths, significant changes in wealth, etc. If you do not have a will, your estate will be distributed in accordance with the laws of the state in which you reside. With a will, those decisions are yours.
Life Insurance
You may change or name the beneficiary on an existing policy to Hellenic Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.
Retirement Plans
Charitable gift opportunities exist through IRA, 401K and other retirement vehicles. The tax advantages can be comparable to those available from a bequest.
Appreciated Securities
By donating stock directly to The Hellenic, you benefit from a tax deduction for the current value and avoid capital gains taxes.
Our Office is also available to answer any questions you may have by calling (781) 828- 4549.